US Webinar - Corrosion Evaluations

Join us for part-one of our first webinar series of the new year - Evaluations in Corrosion Testing. Register for one of two live sessions - 8 am EST or 11 am EST. 

Performing natural and accelerated laboratory corrosion testing is essential to understanding the performance of materials exposed to harsh outdoor environments, especially in marine locations. To determine test materials' performance characteristics, evaluations are needed in order to quantify the extent of corrosion damage that specimens experience during testing.

This webinar will be presented by Q-Lab Test Services Technical Director Mike Crewdson. With over 40 years of weathering and corrosion testing experience, Mike is one of the world's leading authorities on performing and analyzing weathering and corrosion evaluations. Mike is also an A2LA-certified ISO 17025 Internal Auditor and Lead Auditor, as well as the author of key ASTM standards on Terminology, Statistics, and Specimen Handling.

Mike will provide a comprehensive introduction to performing evaluations before, during, and after corrosion test exposures, including:

  • Key manual and visual methods for corrosion test evaluation
  • International standards from ASTM and ISO used in evaluation
  • Different types of rust - general, spot, and pinpoint
  • Use of pictorial rating scales
  • Outdoor and laboratory testing methods
  • Detailed explanation of panel scribing tools and options
  • Specimen cleaning and handling
  • Performing scribe evaluations - marking, measuring, and calculating

Join Q-Lab for this all-new session to learn how to maximize your corrosion testing exposures with proper evaluation intervals, techniques, and assessment of results.

This webinar will be presented in English.