Michael Crewdson
Technical Director, Testing Services
Michael Crewdson is currently the Technical Director for Testing Services for Q-Lab’s worldwide testing services, overseeing the two main facilities in Homestead, FL and Wittmann, AZ. Q-Lab is a contract test laboratory offering services for the natural and accelerated weathering and corrosion of many different materials.
Michael is Chairman of ASTM Subcommittee D01.25 on Evaluation of Weathering Effects and Coatings Defects, and a recognized technical expert and USA delegate to ISO TC 35 SC 6 on Paints and Coatings. He is also active in many other technical societies and committees.
Michael has been involved with weathering since 1982 and has experience in all facets of the business including setting up new tests, creating and performing special weathering projects, and overall management of the laboratory.
Michael has authored multiple technical papers, delivered weathering seminars, performed training, and presented at symposiums on three continents. He has technical expertise in outdoor weathering, accelerated weathering, evaluations, instrumental measurements, physical testing, data collection and reporting, correlation, and writing procedures and standards. He has also developed the ISO 17025 quality systems for two different testing laboratories.
Michael has a degree in Marine Biology from Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh, Scotland